A redundant expression says the same thing twice, and doublespeak avoids getting directly to the point.Both are examples of wordy expressions. Wordiness Wordiness A redundant expression says the same thing twice, and doublespeak avoids getting directly to the point. Age What does your number mean ? Learn more. In this post, I'll do the following: Explain wordiness. qualifiers include: actually, really, basically, probably, very, definitely, somewhat, kind of, extremely, practically. wordiness definition: 1. the quality of containing too many words: 2. the quality of containing too many words: . Concise writing doesn't waste time with circumlocution, padding, or verbosity. Wordiness refers to the use of more words than necessary to convey meaning in speech or writing. What does your number mean ? ; As usual, the impetus for this wordiness is pretense. For example, boar and piglet are also hyponyms of the superior pig, since the meaning of each of the three words " pig", "boar" and " piglet" 'contain' the meaning of the word pig (Note that when defining the word as. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more directfor example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. Examples Stem. Overwriting is a wordy writing style characterized by excessive detail, needless repetition, overwrought figures of speech, and/or convoluted sentence structures . ; Wordiness, weightiness and morbid humor are not sins on their own. This video shows how to pronounce wordiness, wordiness meaning, wordiness definition, wordiness phonetic, wordiness synonyms and wordiness examplewordiness D. If not, rephrase the sentence. . Because phrases are arbitrary and possess no true definition, they can be made use of to convey any kind of concept our team want. The wordiness of legalese may actually be a place to pad. A redundant expression is another type of wordy expression and it means you're saying the same thing twice to fill space. Note: Sometimes wordiness results from a desire to cheaply meet the minimum word requirement of a writing assignment. Examples of gerunds include playing, jumping, and singing. be concise . White, The Elements of Style Gerunds Tend to Create Wordiness Errors Gerunds are verbs that function as nouns and end in "ing". Outside of school, writing concisely can help you create more effective business letters, email messages, memos, and other documents. Definition of wordiness in English: wordiness noun See wordy 'I'm gonna start sticking the odd photo up in this blog, just to break up the wordiness and give the three people who read it something else to look at.' More example sentences Pronunciation wordiness /wrdns/ /wrdins/ Both are examples of wordy expressions. The opposite of verbosity is plain language. What Is Wordiness? Look to delete unnecessary words in your own writing to reduce. 1. Sow, hog, or piglet, the parent word pig is often used as part of the definition: "a pig is an adult female . Word in 9 letters. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Read these examples: The teacher was very happy. Definition of wordiness noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. And, personally, the wordiness just gets in the way, at least for me. wordiness - Meaning in English, what is the meaning of wordiness in English dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of wordiness in English and English. Synonym Discussion of Wordy. We also say something is redundant when a modifier's meaning is contained in the word it modifies, for example, 'merge together'. Lanham's eight simple steps to clearer, more understandable writing will win you praise from bosses, colleagues, and clients. The goal for each sentence is to express the same information in the shortest grammatically correct way. The viewers can relate by imagining King Kong's feelings. For example, if you reference an 'empty void', you're using a redundant expression, or 'doublespeak'. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults. 5. ness n. Synonyms: wordy, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose Explain redundancy. A surprise, by definition, is unexpected. wordiness: 1 n boring verbosity Synonyms: long-windedness , prolixity , prolixness , windiness Types: flatulence , turgidity , turgidness pompously embellished language Type of: verboseness , verbosity an expressive style that uses excessive or empty words Definition in the dictionary English. Definition of wordiness. The synonymous or related words aren't always right next to each other in . . Most instructors see straight through phony wordiness. wordiness meaning: 1. the quality of containing too many words: 2. the quality of containing too many words: . burning embers = embers by and large = DELETE by definition = DELETE Jack's actions are, by definition, unthinking. Extra words just means I can make more mistakes. The student was extremely sad. The student was depressed. A redundant expression says the same thing twice, and doublespeak avoids getting directly to the point. Diffuse, long-winded, prolix, redundant, windy, repetitive, rambling, and circumlocutory are some that come to mind. The readers can relate and sympathize with the main character. A few examples of wordy phrases are absolutely essential, due to the fact that, and with regard to. Wordiness Examples. noun. Examples of wordiness in a Sentence Trevanian from the novel "Shibumi": It was not their irritating assumption of equality that annoyed Nicholai so much as their cultural confusions. The meaning of WORDY is using or containing many and usually too many words. By learning to write concisely, you will be able to fill your papers with more substantive information. To be effective, concise writing must deliver a clear message using an economy of words. Both are examples of wordy expressions. Redundancy in the needless repetition of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs or ideas. 'I am invulnerable, impregnable, insuperable, indefatigable, insurmountable.' Empathy or sympathy Everyday or every day Than or then Use to or used to Definitions Albeit Callous Mea culpa Touch base Vice versa Canceled or cancelled Gray or grey Realise or realize Travelling or traveling Try the Scribbr Grammar Checker Frequently asked questions What is a synonym of "verbiage"? Wordiness and redundancy are common errors on the ACT English section. Learn more. Example: Because a great many of the words in this sentence are basically . ; The most common problem cited by writing coaches is wordiness. ; Some wordiness can be streamlined, which is easy enough. There's not a single difference between those sentences, except that the second sentence has 3 fewer words. BMI values are age-independent and the same for . The definition of the word WORDINESS is: Do you realized what the definition of Wordiness is? A void is by its definition empty. Adjective: wordy. Verbosity is the ability, limited in the general population, to utilize words which may be archaic, lengthy, and in the English language are more often than not based in Latin. Verbosity or verboseness is speech or writing that uses more words than necessary. 2. What is the definition of Wordiness? That is why it is crucial to eliminate any overdoing with words - to create an understandable and refined A-grade text. . Repetition, unnecessary jargon, and needless details are to be avoided. Now, let's take a look at some of these examples used in sentences. How to use wordy in a sentence. Do you know the meaning of wordiness? Help the target audience understand the core idea of your paper. Orwell 's ideas are related to the audience with strong examples. Avoiding Wordiness: 330 Examples & What to Use Instead November 24, 2020 "A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts." William Strunk Jr. and E.B. Wordiness refers to the use of more words than necessary to convey meaning in speech or writing. What is wordiness and redundancy? Want to express the opposite idea? Contrast with conciseness, directness, and clarity . is that wordiness is the excessive, often unnecessary, use of words in a sentence while redundancy is the state of being redundant; a superfluity; . Definitions on the go. Weight. Wordiness, says Robert Hartwell Fiske, is "arguably the biggest obstacle to clear writing and speaking" ( 101 Wordy Phrases, 2005). What does your number mean? Check your BMI. August is the hottest month in Texas. imagine 3. When people say science they are relating it to what happens in a laboratory. In speech or writing, the term conciseness refers to language that's brief and to the point. ; Two faults have at every period . The wordiness adds pomp and circumstance to the article, which I guess the authors take to mean that it makes it sound authoritative. wordiness \ wr- d- ns \ noun Synonyms & Antonyms for wordy Synonyms circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, garrulous, logorrheic, long-winded, pleonastic, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy Antonyms compact, concise, crisp, pithy, succinct, terse Visit the Thesaurus for More Choose the Right Synonym for wordy Look up any word in the dictionary offline, . Examples and Observations "'No one can resist me,' he had to admit. Redundant expressions wordiness definition and examples. the month of August is the hottest month in Texas. There's no shortage of words to describe wordiness in English. That will help you avoid any "What if's" and extra-questions about the content of your work. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more directfor example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. How do I pronounce "verbiage"? Examples Stem So we must shun the false guides of men and their false religions, babbling psychologists, wordy psychiatrists and polluted politicians, all of which have built up such tremendous reputations as colossal failures. Score: 4.5/5 (70 votes) . Some teachers, including the author of The Elements of Style, warn against verbosity; similarly Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway, among others, famously avoid it.Synonyms include wordiness, verbiage, wordiness, verbiage, wordiness. They can also be actually used in the wrong means or with negative goals. In most cases, concisely worded, valuable material will be rewarded even if it comes up a little short. by leaps and bounds = DELETE by means of = by by the same token = DELETE OR similarly/likewise by the use of = using by virtue of [the fact that] = by C came to a realization = realized/recognized Getting to the point promptly can help you become a clearer thinker and a more engaging writer. In order to reach her goal, Anna worked over the weekend. This definition of the word wordiness is from the Wiktionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, antonyms and examples. Wordiness is when a sentence contains words that, if removed (or replaced with a shorter alternative), convey the same message and remain grammatically correct. Here are examples of wordiness in sentences. . Definitions. avoid wordiness; Lots of duplicate blue links off the top and some wordiness. The excessive, often unnecessary, use of words. Redundancy is when we use two or more words together that mean the same thing, for example, 'adequate enough'. Height. Participles, verbs that act as adjectives, can end in "ing", too. Here are some examples and observations on the subject. Write clearly . Check out this example of a sentence with a participle that ends in "ing": Passive voice produces a sentence in which the subject receives an action. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more directfor example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. Show how wordiness and redundancy are tested on the ACT. The use of more words than . The teacher was ecstatic. Remove or replace those wordy words. Try succinct, concise, brief, short, summary, terse, compact, or compendious. Provide relevant support for your arguments. Wordiness Definition And Examples. Toggle navigation. Provide actual ACT examples. For writers "striving for color," advises author and editor Sol Stein, "try, fly, experiment, but if it shows strain, if it isn't accurate, cut it" ( Stein on Writing, 1995). wordiness. So we must shun the false guides of men and their false religions, babbling psychologists, wordy psychiatrists and polluted politicians, . It seems to be effective -> It seems effective The amount of energy being used -> The amount of energy used We make a majority of our decisions in a brief moment -> We make most of our decisions quickly. long-winded, tedious, verbose, windy, wordy - conciseness, concision, pithiness, succinctness, terseness - briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short - long-windedness, prolixity, prolixness, verbosity, windiness, wordiness [Driv] prolix, verbose, wordy [Similaire] uses 4. Keep in mind that not all "ing" words are gerunds. The excessive, often unnecessary, use of words in a sentence.
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