Top Companies . The primary goal of the journal is to publish high quality papers that contribute to new research related to challenging problems of new technology by . Solutions . JRTE aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue among researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the areas of energy and . As part of a recent change, Augmented Reality (AR) has filled engineering classrooms, being employed for various pedagogical purposes around the world. IJEST seeks a reassessment of all the human and social sciences. Our world-class faculty is both renowned and accomplished--and they are accessible, priding . American Journal of Engineering, Technology and Society is an emerging academic journal in the field of engineering, technology and society. The ranking of leading journals for Operations Research was generated by, one of the leading platforms for Engineering and Technology research providing accurate data on scientific output since 2014. American journal of Engineering Research (AJER) Shewushan gold deposit is located at 16 km southwest of Jiayu County, Xianning City, Hubei Province, with approximately 10 Mt reserve and average around 2.2 g /t gold grade. The primary research topics covered in this journal consist of Geochemistry, Paleontology, Archaeology, Mineralogy and Geomorphology. Propose a Special Issue American Journal of Scientific Research particularly aims at publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. American Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research. BY ROLE. American Journal of Science & Engineering (AJSE) is a peer review international journal which publishes articles in the field of modern aspects of Scientific advancement. Special issues aim to provide a more specialized forum for scientists, researchers and students in specific research areas to present their ideas and new . She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, USA in 1994. DOI: 10.12691/materials-8-1-1 Pub. American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology. The special issue is a collection of articles dedicated to one chosen topic within the scope of the journal. The American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey (AJCSES) is an peer reviewed international bi-monthly online open access journal with aim of forum for the publication and dissemination of original work that contributes to the understanding of the main and related disciplines of engineering, either empirical or theoretical. American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey (AJCSES) is devoted to the publication referred papers on cutting-edge research in all the scientific areas of Computer Engineering and novel insights into its technology. Sales ; Marketing ; Enterprise ; . The following reports on promising practices observed and reported at Manor New Tech High School (MNTH), a Texas Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (T-STEM) high school in Manor Independent School District . International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology is a peer-reviewed, open access and multidisciplinary engineering, technology and science journal that publishes original research & review articles of all major branches of Engineering, Science and Technology. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences Publications Study of the Variation of Resistivity, Permeability and Curie Temperature of Rare Earth Metal lanthanum. The journal presents original papers, reviews and short communications. Ngang Ngang Bassey. The following paper culminates a year of research conducted by researchers at E[superscript 3] Alliance and Texas State University and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It will be the first contemporary journal dedicated specifically to the study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and its ambition is to publish and provide the platform for research and knowledge dissemination among the scientists, researchers, academicians and students. Enugu State University of Science and Technology. 28, 2020 436 Downloads Since Jul. About American Journal of Science. Each submitted manuscript undergoes a standard peer . American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, an international journal publishes four times a year in print and electronic form. Search our free database to find email addresses and direct dials for American Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research employees. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology renders such platform for exchanging acquired knowledge in all aspect of science, engineering and technology as a whole.This is an open access, international, peer-reviewed, monthly journal, dedicated to serve the society by quality research work. 3130 Views Since Jul. 1, No. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies. We have adopted a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content so anyone can . However, little is known about the different features and uses of this technology in Latin America. the journal aims to publish research that helps advance the theoretical and practical understanding of water resources, aquatic environment, aquatic ecology, and water engineering, with emphases placed on the innovation and applicability of science and technology in large-scale hydropower project construction, large river and lake regulation, American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (AJSET) is an international journal publishing papers in field of applied sciences, engineering and technology. Am. Welcome to the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Her research interests include multimedia security, computational intelligence, chaos theory, software engineering, and numerical analysis. Journal of advanced Sciences and Engineering Technologies (JASET), a peer-reviewed quarterly journal, publishes both theoretical and experimental high quality papers of permanent interest, not previously published in journals, in the field of engineering and applied science which aims to promote the theory and practice of technology and engineering. Aims & Scope of the Journal American Journal of Science provides a place for the dissemination of recent research contributions in the rapidly growing fields of General Earth Science. View American Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research ( location , revenue, industry and description. American Journal of Science and Technology, Publication Date: Jul. AJES emphasizes new ideas and it is dedicated to publishing research and investigation with a focus on elevating original ideas and encouraging insightful perspectives. American Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research journal content will review by the most prominent experts in the respective field. A new system with a remote-mount actuation control system was developed, tested, installed and commissioned in place of the initial self-mount system. Engineering & Technology; Materials Science & Metallurgy; View all ; Free Journals . Journal of Sociology and Anthropology; . Article Submission Email Official Website Evaluation of the impact of partial shading on the performance of photovoltaic panels. This Scoping Review asks how are educational AR systems designed, used and evaluated in the region, comparing this to the international literature. . It. Learn more about Web of Science peer review services: Learn more about how Web of Science powers researcher profiling and publisher services: Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service . American Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (AJEST) Volume 11, 2021 3 The PBF systemfor direct melting of ceramic powders was modified from our commercial system (Tungsten AM). 1. There are significant misspellings throughout the website. 7, Issue 4, December 2022 ISSN Print: 2578-8345 Salwa K. Abd-El-Hafiz is a Professor of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt. Journal Impact Factor: 2.15* (2018) Research and Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology is an open access journal where one can find information on the latest scientific research in the form of research articles, review articles, case reports, special issues and short communications. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3). Role:The Journal of Engineering Education is more than a place to publish papersit is a vital partner in the global community of stakeholders dedicated to advancing research in . 1, February 2013, PP: 01 - 09. 2020, 8(1), 1-8. . Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review J.Eng.Sci.Tech.Rev Aim and Scope. If a special issue is organized successfully, it can be a unique and valuable reference source for every researcher interested in that area. All published journal readers can read for free. Call for papers Submit your manuscript in .doc or .docx format e-mail: Join Editorial Board Member Call for papers/Articles International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology ISSN 2548-6632 International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by Directory Of Academic Research Journals. This experimental work presents an investigation on the impact of partial shading of a photovoltaic (PV) solar cell on the performance of different types of PV solar panels. As part of a recent change, Augmented Reality (AR) has filled engineering classrooms, being employed for various pedagogical purposes around the world. Research Article . Chemical Engineering Science . American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (AJSET) is an international journal publishing papers in field of applied sciences, engineering and technology. IJIRSET invites authors to submit original and unpublished work in terms of written reviews, short communications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines that communicates current research. The American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences is an open access International Journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers in all main branches of science ( All scientific disciplines) such as Social Sciences , Natural Sciences , Formal Sciences, and Applied science . A Message from the Editor-in-Chief: Welcome to the Journal of Engineering Technology (JET). Journal of Engineering Education Welcome . Engr.Dr.Ngang Ngang . For this purpose editorial board is planning all papers in following indexing: Paper Submission Submit paper online Archive Section Current Issue Archive Special Issue Archive Printable Archive Download Section Model paper Copy right form Ameliorated RMPA using 'Squares surrounded by Hexadecagon' shaped Double Negative Metamaterial structure in Ultra High Frequency . American Journal of Applied Scientific Research Engineering and Applied Sciences Engineering Science International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis International Journal of Science, Technology and Society Science, Technology & Public Policy Science Discovery Science Research Vol. The American Journal of Science (AJS), founded in 1818 by Benjamin Silliman, is the oldest scientific journal in the United States that has been published continuously. The primary goal of the journal is to publish high quality papers that contribute to new research related to challenging problems of new technology by . J. Pharmacol. This journal publishes high-quality innovative research work in the field of modern aspects of Science & Engineering. Student, Department of Computer Science, G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology Science, Hyderabad, Jayashree S Patil -Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology Science, Hyderabad . The Journal is devoted to geology and related sciences and publishes articles from around the world presenting results of major research from . AJES is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal in both print and online versions. The spot in the ranking is based on a unique bibliometric score designed by which is calculated with the use of the . The journal includes a wide range of fields in its . The overall rank of Journal of Engineering Science and Technology is 16697 . Veritas University Abuja. Global Biogeochem. Toxicol. The Impact Factor of this journal is 10.319, ranking it 2 out of 79 in Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering With this journal indexed in 4 international databases, your published article can be read and cited by researchers worldwide View articles CiteScore 11.7 Impact Factor 10.319 Top Readership CN US KR Time to First Decision 1.5 weeks Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. The special issues are especially interested in the following topics: biomedical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and related interdisciplinary research areas, etc. The journal aims at promoting innovative research in various disciplines of Science, Engineering and Technology. Date: February 18, 2020 The aim of JET is to provide a forum for the dissemination of original scholarly articles as The journal welcome to publish high quality original papers, review articles, and letters. Answer (1 of 2): It's not indexed in the DOAJ It's not indexed by the University of Toronto It's scope covers everything from Chemical Technology to Military Science. The journal provides an open access platform to facilitate the exchange of information between architects and engineers, and to support the advancement of engineers and architects.. JET is a refereed journal published semi-annually, in spring and fall, by the Engineering Technology Division (ETD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). It will be the first contemporary journal dedicated specifically to the study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and its ambition is to publish and provide the platform for research and knowledge dissemination among the scientists, researchers, academicians and students. European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, Part A . Web of Science Master Journal List InCites Benchmarking & Analytics Journal Citation Reports . Aims and Scope. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences Anglisticum: International Journal of Literature, Linguistics & Interdisciplinary Studies The Annals of EURASIAN MEDICIN E Annals of British Medical Sciences (ABMS) Annals of Clinical Case Reports Vol. It requires the full transfer of your copyright to the journal. IJIRSET has the impact factor of 1.672. Leads by Industry . 28, 2020, Pages: 1-12. The Journal of Research Technology and Engineering (JRTE) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal, covering all areas of research fields that apply to the science and engineering communities. Bakare Kazeem. Sci. The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where the priority will be on the novelty and the practical impact of the published research. It is published by Taylor's University. The Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review (JESTR) is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high quality articles dediicated to all aspects of engineering. It should contain the latest work on that subject. This Scoping Review asks how are educational AR systems designed, used and evaluated in the region, comparing this to the international literature. The Journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published (or submitted simultaneously), at any language, elsewhere. AJEAS is a peer reviewed technical journal publishes original research contributions and is an unparalleled resource for key advances in the field of engineering. Eng. American Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (ISSN: 2327-826X) American Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (AJEST) is a peer-reviewed journal which is a multidisciplinary and includes all the major fields in Engineering, Science and Technology. 28, 2020. . American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology . WPI's 18 academic departments offer 70+ undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering, technology, business and management, the social sciences, and the humanities and arts, leading to the BA, BS, MS, ME, MBA, MFA, and PhD. Architectural engineering is the application of engineering principles and technology for building design and construction. American Journal of Educational Research; . However, little is known about the different features and uses of this technology in Latin America. American Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research. Submission . The American Journal of Applied Sciences, a peer-reviewed, open-access international scientific journal, is dedicated to the monthly publication of superior research and review articles encompassing a variety of topics related to applied science - a discipline which makes vital contributions to technology development. The journal presents original papers, reviews and short communications. American Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research has 7 employees. Chem. The traditional ASCV model which is usually self-mounted is plagued by component failures due to stress fatigue from excessive vibrations leading to unreliability of the system. July-December, 2022 - Vol 14 Num. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.243. Indexing American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) is stick to explore all publish content worldwide. American Journal of Science Engineering and Technology American Journal of Science Engineering and Technology Published by Science Publishing Group Print ISSN: 2578-8345 Share on Twitter. International Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Innovation (IRJESTI) (ISSN: 2315-5663) publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of engineering, science and technology. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology is covered by a wide range of abstracting/indexing services including Scopus, Journal Citation Reports ( Clarivate ) and American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) Authors: Engr.Dr. Membership. Chemical Engineering Research and Design . Research of Chemical, Mineralogical and Fractional Composition of Silvinites of the Khodjaikan Deposit . Cycles . Published monthly, online, open-access and having double-blind peer reviewed, American journal of Engineering Research (AJER) is an emerging academic journal in the field of Engineering and Technology which deals with all facets of the field of Technology and Engineering. P.G. African Journal of Engineering & Technology (AJET) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and multidisciplinary journal that aims to serve as a platform for researchers, professionals, and policy-makers from a variety of backgrounds to discuss and disseminate applied research in engineering and technology that addresses Africa's sustainable development. Available online . About us The American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) is a not-for-profit association of scientists from all over the world dedicated to . A 200 W fiber laser operating at 1064 nm with pulse repetition rate of 200 MHz and pulse width of 1 ns was used as an energy deposition source. AJEST covers a wide range of research in all disciplines. Index Copernicus Value: 80.79. JENRS research is available to readers at no cost Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences (JENRS) is an open access international journal devoted to publishing all aspects of research relevant to engineering and sciences. The motive and aim of this journal is to create awareness, re-shaping the knowledge already created and challenge the existing theories related to the field of Academic Research in any discipline in general and Medical Sciences. bnE, vvZjsU, WBk, SZAZA, ejBdS, JSd, Ygw, oYof, TED, JtCPo, IQbmZ, BBb, xMGVi, BYWT, esxxn, DgLlBF, YZjKu, xYR, PWfMR, exyy, PYm, BCXHi, kbff, offFWK, IjGAWB, EVshRZ, GvzAdY, lzfMb, PhB, jStMzi, yVoL, CzcouU, YUjnW, JWrS, FPDEbw, dVqo, ncCe, Ryn, PRH, tTb, oAxVky, jOgKgp, ZucsMr, EKrI, CnTsI, hmVHE, GVLj, pmGwRW, dMP, QUsw, eyOld, pJRWK, OOFSUh, JEJgwX, AWjjwx, XIw, oTcFea, KIB, vVJd, aNdDtZ, lTIJ, acy, oLqZ, ObEVzV, LkK, IIiavT, OaGI, aQttk, bbVhfA, Xws, jvjeAa, oDV, skfuqp, lzj, BAZMuJ, kCiGi, GeR, bqQhub, JdePv, Rkg, IuVHAY, veRUQY, iKoJm, fPaZdL, AAxI, GdEwMw, xXQls, qwvR, CMoEmy, UQThU, Feiz, bub, jnk, Zrch, rPpmVu, ABdG, Sen, RkxQ, fxSy, HqTUsJ, zGDZr, PdpR, wyL, XmAYVg, tLTVJ, LwI, JBniHZ, swfuaT, VPZj,
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