If you have any questions regarding the Youth Employment Certificate form or the youth employment laws, please feel free to contact the NH DOL Inspection Division. The State of New Hampshire, Department of Labor, Division of Inspection has a full time vacancy for a Safety Inspector. For verification purposes please provide Invoice, Name and Address as it appears on the invoice. Enter Highway Number (s) You can also call 1-800-427-7623 for current highway conditions. Mobile. Human Resources Support Unit 54 Regional Drive; Suite 5. Many of those facilities have been issued a permit to operate by the air permitting program. Version 1.0.0. Mailing Address 1101 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1101. Highest salary at New Hampshire Department of Labor in year 2021 was $125,257. Salaries. Work ers' Compensation issues are handled by the NH Department of Labor. Sections of this manual will be updated as newer versions of guidance documents become available or rules and . New Hampshire. Distribution operators notify the Safety Division each morning of crew locations and pipeline work activities. Department of Transportation. New Hampshire Department of Labor average salary is 36 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 45 . Better Business Bureau 48 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-1991 email: info@bbbnh.org. CCLD main number: 651-284-5012 or 800-657-3944 Fax: 651-284-5746 CCLD organizational chart View a list of division contacts by topic Our Location: 7 Eagle Square, Concord NH 03301. Additionally, the Division licenses approximately 260 registered service technicians and 1,100 weighmasters. Contact the Boiler Section: Phone: 517-241-9334. The State of New Hampshire, Department of Labor, Division of Inspection has a full time vacancy for a Workplace Safety Inspector. Inspections The Inspections Division is responsible for administering statewide programs in Mining, Boilers, and Elevators safety and inspections. 2240 - Spanish Employment Poster Housing Discrimination Poster Federal Agencies Posters Adobe Acrobat Reader format. NHDES has created a dam removal process that combines the Dam Safety Program with the Wetlands Program to identify, evaluate and (when warranted) remove unwanted or unneeded dams along New Hampshire's rivers and streams. Fax: 517-241-0130. However, if you have a specific questions, please view the phone numbers and email addresses below. Once logged in, go to Tax Rate / Advanced Payment Rate Notice. By email: Inspectiondiv@dol.nh.gov. SUMMARY: Conducts specialized inspections of public and private sector worksites statewide to enforce labor laws and ensure compliance with workplace safety regulations consistent with New Hampshire Statutes RSA 277 . [2] The department was established by state statute in 1893, [1] : 8 and its first commissioner was appointed that year. Stay up-to-date on E. coli and cyanobacteria advisories this summer by checking our Beach Advisory Map, signing up for our newsletters or following our Beaches Twitter account. The Workers' Compensation Division may be contacted at (603) 271-3176 or 1-800-272-4353. Help us promote New Hampshire nonprofits and make an even greater impact in our communities. Contact Forms & Documents Report a Concern Where do I find information about workers' rights in New Hampshire? By mail: NH Department of Labor PO Box 2076 Concord, NH 03302-2076. Provide contact information for emailing of receipt and for follow-up processing questions if needed. NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Public Services & Government - 95 Pleasant St, Concord, NH - Hours - Phone Number - Yelp New Hampshire Department of Labor 1 review Unclaimed Public Services & Government Frequently Asked Questions about New Hampshire Department of Labor How is New Hampshire Department of Labor rated? Department of Labor Division of Inspection 95 Pleasant St. Concord NH 03301 WAGE & HOUR LABOR INSPECTOR LABOR INSPECTOR Labor Grade: 22 Position # 43425 *See total compensation information at the bottom of announcement. House Bill 1608 requires the NH Department of Health and Human Services to provide notification of the opportunity to withdraw your COVID-19 vaccine record from the NH Immunization Information System (NHIIS). Where do I send my DD214s? Labor Market Information Division Alabama Department of Labor 649 Monroe Street, Room 4427 Montgomery, AL 36131-2280 Phone: (334) 956-7425 Fax: (334) 956-7492 . (1-866-487-9243) District Director Kim Chi Bui Sacramento District Office Address U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division 2800 Cottage Way Room W-1836 Sacramento, CA 95825-1886 Phone 916-978-6123 1-866-4-USWAGE (1-866-487-9243) District Director Cesar Avila San Diego District Office Serving Imperial, San Diego and Orange county: Address The main phone number for the Construction Codes and Licensing Division (CCLD) is 651-284-5012. If you suspect a waterbody is experiencing a bloom, call or text the hotline at (603) 848-8094 or email HAB@des.nh.gov. Boiler Division. You may also wish to contact the following offices to address any inquiries or complaints. volumetric measure in Concord, New Hampshire. 25. Your Local NHWORKS Jobs Center is open to provide in person assistance Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM to help with answering any of your unemployment related questions and for assistance with how to connect with employers and training opportunities. INSPECTION DIVISIONRudolph W. Ogden, III Ken Merrifield P.O. Ten working days are needed to facilitate special needs requests. NH Division of Motor Vehicles Department of Safety 23 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 603-227-4000 NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food Mailing: PO Box 2042, Concord NH 03302 -2042 Physical: 25 Capitol Street, Second Floor, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-3551 | fax: (603) 271-1109 The State of New Hampshire Health Officer Manual was prepared by the New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) with support from the New Hampshire Health Officer's Association. The mission of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food is to support and promote agriculture and serve consumers and business for the benefit of the public health, environment and economy. 02-01-18 STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE TO EMPLOYEES Enter your account number/FEIN when prompted, then click 2022. The Division of Weights and Measures (Division) licenses and regulates the use of approximately 20,000 commercial devices owned by more than 3,200 businesses. By phone: (603) 271-0127. The NH Department of Labor's responsibility is to assure continued compliance with safety codes adopted by New Hampshire, through the inspection, enforcement, administration and licensing processes, for the protection of citizens who may go into a building with elevators and accessibility lifts or a building heated with boilers or equipped with pressure vessels. Inspection Division Rudolph W. Ogden, III Ken Merrifiel d PO Box 2076 Deputy Commissioner Commissioner Concord NH 03302 -2076 Telephone . We encourage a successful, fair, and safe workplace throughout the Granite State. NH Department of Revenue Administration Announces Ora LeMere as Assistant Commissioner and Samuel Greene as Director of the Municipal and Property Division May 23, 2022 LeMere was confirmed by the Executive Council May 18 and Greene was confirmed May 4 Under state statutory authority of RSA 125-C:6, VII, NHDES staff conduct periodic inspections of facilities that emit air pollutants. New Hampshire Elevator Code and Regulations - NH Elevator Division Website: New Hampshire Elevator Inspection Division Official Web Site Elevator Division Contact Information: Inspection Division NH Department of Labor PO Box 2076 Concord, NH 03302-2076 Telephone: (603) 271-2584 ELEVATOR COMPANIES ELEVATOR CONSULTANTS STATE ELEVATOR CODE Form 1099-Gs issued from 2009 through 2019 are available online by logging into the unemployment benefit system and going to your correspondence box. See the full list of Office Locations. The Labour Inspection Division. It also handles parenting cases between unmarried persons. E-Mail: bccblr@michigan.gov. Email: Inspectiondiv@dol.nh.gov Phone: (603) 271-1492 or (603) 271-6294 or (603) 271-3176 Mail: Inspection Division, NH Department of Labor, PO Box 2076, 95 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301 You may visit the Department's web site at http://www.nh.gov/labor/ to read about the changes and to link to the bills that changed the laws. . Established by the New Hampshire General Court in 1961, the Department consists of 7 divisions: Administration, Motor Vehicles, State Police, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Emergency Services and Communications, Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Services, and Fire Safety. Number of employees at New Hampshire Department of Labor in year 2021 was 133. If you cannot make it to your Local NHWORKS Jobs . The New Hampshire Department of Labor ( DOL) is a government agency of the U.S. state of New Hampshire. Read the press release for more information, or use the withdraw and remove information form . NH Motor Vehicle Division Department of Safety 23 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 603-227-4000 NH Department of Labor | Online Payment. Ken Merrifield - Commissioner Rudolph W. Ogden, III - Deputy Commissioner NH Department of Labor main phone number: 603-271-3176 News and Events Please watch the First Appearance Session video for an overview of the court process for people with children under the age of 18. Sections. BOX 2076 Deputy Commissioner Commissioner CONCORD, NH 03302-2076 TELEPHONE -(603) 271-1492 & 271-3176 THIS NOTICE MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Rev. Electricians and plumbers were the occupations with the most apprentices, but apprenticeships were available in nine major occupational groups and 45 different occupations, including healthcare, production and community and social service occupations. Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau New Hampshire Department of Employment Security 45 South Fruit Street Concord, NH 03301-2410 Phone: (603) 228-4126 Fax: (603) 228-4172 95 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: (603) 271-3176 or 1-800-272-4353 www.nh.gov/labor Unless exempt, covered employees must be paid at least the minimum wage and not less than one and one-half times their regular . 26. Records To Be Kept By Employers. Bureaus. 1-800-NC-LABOR N.C. Department of Labor Physical Address 4 West Edenton St. Raleigh, NC 27601. Average annual salary was $29,846 and median salary was $23,851. Through the NH Administrative Rules and Administrative Boards, the OPLC is able to fulfill its mission that ensures public safety and efficacy. The NH Center for Nonprofits is a proud 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. The Boiler Section is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Michigan Boiler Code which includes conducting inspections of boiler installations and repairs and in-service . New Hampshire Department of Justice 33 Capitol Street | Concord, NH | 03301 Telephone: 603-271-3658 . If you need a Form 1099-G for a year prior to 2009 please contact the Unemployment Hotline at (603) 271-7700 and speak with a customer service representative. (RSA 432:10, RSA 261:97-c). You can download a free reader from Adobe. Construction Codes. Inspections can be either scheduled or unscheduled, that is, unannounced inspections. Where To Go If You Have A Problem Complaints regarding practices of inspection stations may be referred to the New Hampshire Department of Safety. Highlights: The FLSA sets minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards for employment subject to its provisions. carries out workplace inspections and criminal investigation to enforce the following legislation: Employment of Children Regulations which govern the employment of children in all economic sectors; Employment of Young Persons (Industry) Regulations which govern the employment of young persons in the . Divorce/Parenting "The Family Division handles cases involving divorce. Concord, NH 03301-6397. Based in Concord, the agency works to protect the "interests and dignity" of workers in the state. These used to be called "custody" or "visitation" actions. The Department of Labor helps employers and insurance carriers to operate successfully within New Hampshire's labor laws. [3] Structure [ edit] If you think your job is unsafe and you want to ask for an inspection, you can call 1-800-321-OSHA (6742), or file a "Notice of Alleged Safety or Health Hazards" by clicking here. Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Homepage Our Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The Dam Bureau's activities are governed by RSA 482 and New Hampshire Administrative Rules Env-Wr 100-800. Department of Labor Division of Inspection 95 Pleasant St. Concord NH 03301 SAFETY INSPECTOR Labor Inspector Labor Grade: 22 Position #19876 *See total compensation information at the bottom of announcement. Learn about dams (This address is for comments only; do . Title XXIII-Labor of NH law governs labor relations in New Hampshire. EIN 81-0555176 New Hampshire Department of Labor | 95 Pleasant Street | Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: 603-271-3176 | Hours of Operation: 8am - 4:30pm M-F The State of New Hampshire, Department of Labor, Division of Inspection has a full time vacancy for a Wage & Hour Labor Inspector. Customer Support: 603-271-2152. To find your rate, click here and login. Inspections NHDES conducts periodic inspections at facilities that emit air pollutants. This fact sheet provides a summary of the FLSA's recordkeeping regulations, 29 CFR Part 516. Call 1-855-234-2856 or TipHotline@labor.alabama.gov Get Info Need To Know - 2022 Tax Rate Notices 2022 Tax Rate Notices are available online. Department of Labor, Room N4624, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC; 20210; Attn: Paperwork Reduction Act Comment. Mining Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation, Mine Safety and Inspection, Surface Mining of Non-Fuel Minerals Boilers and Pressure Vessels Boilers and Pressure Vessel Safety Elevators Elevator Safety U.S. Department of Labor, Education and Training Office of Apprenticeship . . A Division of the New Hampshire Department of Safety 110 Smokey Bear Blvd | Concord, NH | 03301 (603) 223-4289 | fmo@dos.nh.gov Scheduled inspections typically involve visits to pipeline operator facilities to interview managers, examine records or inspect specific facilities. He/she may request a hearing with the New Hampshire Department of Labor , which can result in a judgment to order reinstatement, payment of fringe benefits, seniority rights, and inju nctive relief . Less than one and one-half times their regular operator facilities to nh department of labor inspection division managers, examine records or specific The NH Center for Nonprofits is a proud 501 ( c ) ( 3 charitable. 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