Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee Every human has a good heart but few have a good soul The boys were playing cricket but there was no playground there You're easy to love Sentence Examples. (10) Turn to anti-clockwise position to increase speed or to switch off. The campaign has been praised by government supremos leading the fight against antisocial behaviour in Britain. volume_up more_vert English Acting illegally is anti-social. Happy is the antithesis to Sad. Tweet. Examples of anti-competitive in a sentence, how to use it. English You have anti-colonization. We found 18 'anti defamation' sentence examples to help you understand how to use anti defamation in a sentence . sentence for "anti-clockwise" (11) If it is anti-clockwise turn to show that you can use the left brain. Top 200. Anti used in a sentence. volume_up more_vert The poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost sets up a contrast between the terms "fire" and "ice". 6) Its anti ballistic missile test was also successful. 3) The " anti-imperialists" pretty much have us flanked. Doyles books on the American colonies; for military history, Fortescues History of the British Army, Napiers anti Omans works on the Peninsular War, and Kinglakes Invasion of the Crimea; and for naval history, Corbetts Drake and the Tudor Navy, Successors of Drake, English in the Medilerranean and Seven Years War, and Mahans Influence of SeaPower on History and Influence of Sea-Power upon the . "Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit." - Aristotle "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." - Samuel Johnson "Folks who have no vices have very few virtues." - Abraham Lincoln "All the joy the world contains / Has come through wishing happiness for others. You are brave, anti crisis, attack difficulty, carry all before one, your loyalty, according to medical ethics, keep the purpose, have succeeded in carrying out an assignment. Anthony Julius Word History Etymology borrowed from German Antisemit, from anti- anti- + Semit semite First Known Use Examples of Anti in a sentence The world is almost entirely anti-imperialism these days, condemning any country that would try to expand its own borders through conquest. (9) 1Turn to anti-clockwise position to increase speed or to switch off. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Its anti-hero, Hertz Grein, an erudite European refugee and serial deserter of women, turns his back on a secular life gone hideously awry and migrates to Israel, joining the most extreme sect of ultra-Orthodox he can find. Anti-establishment without actually being aggressive or negative about anything. An anti-competitive practice is a viable attempt to prevent or reduce competition in a market. Snow White and the Wicked Queen in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfsare the antithesis of each other. 98 28 In Austria, as in Germany, anti-Semitism is a factor in the parliamentary elections. Anti Sentence Examples Tomatoes naturally contain the anti oxidant but at lower levels. .. Although the hotel describes itself as a five-star resort, in reality its decrepit building is the antithesis of a fine hotel. The characters of Dumbledore and Voldemort in Harry Potter. 3. Anti . Protests led finally to the passing of anti-lynching laws. 4. The Anti Human Trafficking Unit. Example sentences using anti. Anti Fraud screening system. ; Luther Martin is frequently thrown into the pot of lesser known anti federalists. 0. The auxiliaries ( shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, used to, need and dare) that behave in the above-mentioned manner are called modals. We found 6 'anti lynching' sentence examples to help you understand how to use anti lynching in a sentence . 0. How can you use "anti-hero" in a sentence? volume_up more_vert English I am not anti-Strasbourg. Tension builds in a horror movie as a young girl approaches a closed door. This means the vicious FEPC-- anti-tax poll-- anti-lynching and anti-segregation proposals will become the law of the land and our way of life in the South will be gone forever. the total opposite of an object or person Examples of Antithesis in a sentence In the movie, Robert's character of an abusive husband is the antithesis of the caring spouse the actor really is. . Unlike polytheistic religions, which acknowledge multiple gods, Judaism is monotheisticit recognizes only one God. When she opens it, a cat comes out. It is introducing identity cards, restricting immigration, seeking . Example sentences with Anti A building material company that produces armor anti seismic A simplified anti missile guidance system Adopt and implement the anti corruption plan After the anti - Masonic movement in the years 1820 and 1830 And what I saw was an anti anti-Semite But we're really anti the rock star thing 6. I just heard that the Anti-Defamation League has sent out a circular letter to all rabbis to preach against me . 2. Examples of Anticlimax: 1. Antithesis Examples In Literature. Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery. Antitheses are phrases or concepts that are opposite to each other or have opposite or contradicting meanings. 24 examples: It would be desirable in these circumstances to regulate against Antithesis Examples Many were called for the interview but few are chosen for the appointment. From the Cambridge English Corpus Immunoreactivity was revealed with goat anti-mouse alkaline phosphatase conjugated antibody and dot-blot immunoreactivity was expressed in arbitrary, relative optical density units. But there was a twist the anti federalists didn't really want a Bill of Rights. Snow White - good, honest, innocent, kind, felicitous and selfless. 0. volume_up more_vert English It is actively anti-democratic. TheWicked Witch - Evil, jealous, bad, mean, cruel, miserable. 10 Examples of Anti-Competitive Practices. Pills and medications designed to help you stay awake are sometimes referred to as anti-sleepers. From the Cambridge English Corpus Use "anti" in a sentence | "anti" sentence examples anti 1. National Anti Doping Agency. Top 100. They express attitudes such as ability, capacity, possibility, permission, advice, determination, etc. 3. They were joined by the states of anti-Macedonian, or rather primarily of anti-Achaean, tendencies in Greece proper; in Attica by Athens, in the Peloponnesus by Elis and Messene and especially by Sparta, the antiquated constitution of which had been just about this time overthrown by a daring soldier Machanidas, in order that he might himself exercise despotic power under the name of king . Home. ; Leahy is grateful to anti federalists Jefferson and Madison for the B of R. The term suggests use of significant power and typically only applies to a dominant competitor or government. Christopher told the Anti-Defamation League's leadership conference. You are riding a roller coaster, and it begins to climb a steep hill slowly. 3. ; I'm anti the Bible is the be all end all. 2. (8) Revolving the lock nut anti-clockwise to the suitable position. Learn using Anti Sentence Examples and Meaning. While the sentence "the hare was fast, and the tortoise was slow" is an example of antithesis, if we step back and look at the story as a whole, the better term to describe the relationship between the characters of the tortoise and the hare is "foil," as in, "The character of the hare is a foil of the tortoise." Antithesis Examples 0. Teenagers often get away with outrageous and behaviour because it's believed to be hormonal and a natural part of adolescence. 9) The hosted too many debates hosted often by anti conservative . It is never done in a preachy way or anti Bible way just makes you stop and think for a minute. Although I was punished yet I realized my mistake. Armored vehicles military missile Anti tank missiles. ; For the lover of black humor, Joseph Heller's CATCH 22 is the anti Bible. anti example sentences 4) It is a natural anti inflammatory agent. antisocial. Heaven is the antithesis to Hell. 7) Niger installed anti slavery provision in 2003. 53 23 Here are some examples of modal verbs in sentences: Can Learn how to use anti Bible in a sentence and make better sentences with `anti Bible` by reading anti Bible sentence examples.. 4. Etc. US sending 2,000 Anti tank weapons to Iraq. John Spacey, October 14, 2016. Anti-semitism sentence example anti-semitism Meanings Synonyms Sentences They were also infected by the growing spirit of anti-Semitism. 0. : a person who has a hostile, prejudiced attitude toward Jews : an anti-Semitic person The anti-Semites of his day insisted that Disraeli was bogus in every respect but his identification with Jews and Judaism. ; Paisley promoted a form of Biblical literalism and . drinkers. volume_up more_vert English Naturally they are anti-Government. For example, Love is the antithesis of hate . anti collocations 2) Cleveland was an anti-imperialist and was strongly against annexation. Therefore, if no-one notices a problem like this until after the planning submission, or perhaps fails to get someone higher up to take it seriously enough to change the concept design, then they will have to remedy it by using special anti . Home; . 5) It is anti extreme forms of religion. In A Sentence.me. In the Hellenistic Age, for instance, Jews' social segregation and their refusal to acknowledge the gods worshipped by other peoples aroused resentment among some pagans, particularly in the 1st century bce -1st century ce. anti-imperialist in a sentence 1) Other anti-imperialists opposed annexation on racist grounds. Learn how to use anti federalists in a sentence and make better sentences with `anti federalists` by reading anti federalists sentence examples.. "To err is human; to forgive, divine ." Alexander Pope 5. How to use Anti in a sentence as a noun. There is a scratching sound coming from behind the door. "And let my liver rather heat with wine than my heart cool with mortifying groans. Here are some common examples of antithesis from famous speeches: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character ." (Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have a Dream") The mode of the migration anti the rotites to be followed are prescribed by law. She slept badly and constantly felt tense, developing post traumatic stress disorder for which she took anti depressants. 7. anti-imperialist example sentences 4) Delegates from international anti-imperialist organisations will provide a world perspective . The following are illustrative examples. The character of Snow White and the White witch from the novel 'The Snow White' shows the opposite traits of them. 6. 5. volume_up more_vert English An anti-banana disguise. anti personnel bomb in a sentence and translation of anti personnel bomb in Dutch dictionary with audio pronunciation by dictionarist.com Top 50. 8) They are usually actively engaged in anti union activities . All Words.
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